Friday, January 13, 2012

Unwritten ...

That was the feeling of this week.
Not only for the students but also for the partners. We all have a blank page infront of us all. And it’s up to each one of us to make this year one of the best experiences of our lifes.
So keep your minds open but mainly keep your arms and hearts open. We never now what life can present to us
Hope you enjoy the photos.
See you soon.
In Portuguese - Em português

Livro em branco ...
Esse foi o sentimento da semana.
Não somente para os estudantes, mas também para os parceiros.
Todos nós estamos diante de uma página em branco. E cabe a cada um de nós fazer deste ano uma das melhores experiências de nossas vidas.
Então mantenha a cabeça aberta, mas, principalmente, mantenha seus braços e corações abertos. A gente nunca sabe o que a vida nos reserva.
Espero que vocês curtam as fotos.
Vejo vocês em breve.

It all started at "Lorange Auditorium"(10/01/2012)

Then we had some time to chat

Julia and her handsome little boy

Some partners chatting

Some students chatting

The Lunch with MBA students and partners

Coffee time 

 The Fair

Everything was very well organized.
People who works at IMD we're wearing colorful t-shirts. Each color was referring to a team.

Some details

Tere's and Mario's beautiful kids

The schedule for the photo shoot

Every student has its own locker

Looking at THE board

First Partners Session (11/02/2012)

Some of the partners after lunch


  1. Thts lovely...keep i get to see my hubby....

  2. Thanks Marta for giving us a virtual presence there in Lausanne!

  3. These are great pics, thank you for sharing!
