Sunday, January 15, 2012

Eventful day ….

Events are not just happening in Laussane with students and partners but also with me and in my home. It’s my day off and I went to pick up study table. While driving home I was planning to go for a short walk and ponder about how to paint my canvas for 2012. I landed home and found that my washing machine has stopped working. Being a naïve I tried to press a few buttons, opened the door and the water spilled all over my kitchen. I immediately shut it, rushed to clean and then stood back with my house-mate (Amit) both of us lost on what to do. He started using google and I began to search for manual. We opened the water outlet slowly but the water gushed out and the kitchen was completely flooded with water. It went slippery and I almost skid. We again cleaned the water, managed to find the manual (with help from Mahipal) and identified the problem. We found that there was some cloth and plastic stuck in between which stopped the motor from spinning and hence water not being drained. Somehow we both managed to fix the machine. Later on I also set up the table. I realised how dependent I am on Mahipal to get everything up and working. But I think the aim of 2012 would be to get more independent. I was surprised that for the 1st time in life I wasn’t stressed of things not working instead I was trying to make it funny. Am sure that partners who are away would come across similar situations in this year ahead… where something might stop working / break down and we wished our partners would be our genie to fix it up. But I will now on take these incidents as fun and real learning curve. Trust me my clumsiness of stopping the water would be in my memories for years to come… and I don’t mind to paint my 2012 with such eventful days of stress, learn and fun………….

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